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MAY 2024

Erin Borbee, Inna Puspa Ayu, Ester Restiana, Fakhrizal Setiawan, Begin Subhan, Hawis Madduppa, Austin T. Humphries, and Christopher E. Lane

Journal of Phycology, 10.1111/jpy.13465

APR 2024

Isabella Changsut, Erin Borbee, Haley Womack, Alicia Schickle, Koty Sharp, and Lauren Fuess

Journal of Integrative and Comparative Biology, icae036

FEB 2024

Preliminary characterization of coral reef diversity using environmental DNA in a hyper-diverse context

Elaine Shen, Erin M. Borbee, Paul Carvalho, Fakhrizal Setiawan, Beginer Subhan, Austin T. Humphries, Hawis Madduppa, and Christopher E. Lane

Regional Studies in Marine Science, 71 (2024) 103432

NOV 2022

Rubble fields shape planktonic protist communities on a local scale

Erin M. Borbee, Inna Puspa Ayu, Paul Carvalho, Fakhrizal Setiawan, Beginer Subhan, Austin T. Humphries, Hawis Madduppa, and Christopher E. Lane

Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology, e12954

OCT 2022

Diversity and distribution of Symbiodiniaceae detected on coral reefs of Lombok, Indonesia using environmental DNA metabarcoding

Arief Pratomo, Dietrich G. Bengen, Neviaty P. Zamani, Christopher E. Lane, Austin T. Humphries, Erin M. Borbee, Beginer Subhan, and Hawis Madduppa

PeerJ, e14006

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